I woke up one fine day
In a form the earth called 'man'
I, with no roots to bind
I, with no name to carry
Wondered whether I will have a place
On this land, amongst this race
But what happened next
Truly left me perplexed
For the world wanted me to have a name
The world wanted me to have a faith
An identity to judge,
whether to be kind or hold a grudge
Fine! I said, My name shall be bubble
And my faith, love
For I'm naive and a newborn
And not yet corrupt
Fragile as water, clear like so
And with the wind I shall flow
They rebelled at the thought
That I might be a pagan in disguise,
or worse, a nullifidian
For there was no faith as love
And no name as bubble
And if left to float, my faith shall be trouble
They gave me one last chance
To defend the body I own
From the spears, blades and stone
Choose a faith, they said
A faith from the panoply we have
And a name that reflects your past
Alas! I knew not a crime that I commit
But hear, to my fate I submit
I knew one truth that what is born
Must fall to dust, forever gone
So life itself is barren if not for love
With that said, they hung me from the ceiling above
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