While we cannot live without history, we need not live within it either. -Argumentative Indian, Amartya Sen Diving deep into history is like chasing a sea monster. You hear stories and accept it for what it is. The next thing you know is that you are leading an armada to hunt the moster. From the Israel - Palestine issue to Pakistani transgressions in Indian territory- all are a product of historical disputes. I must admit that my knowledge is limited to comment on history but my admission is not enough. (I’m insignificant since my thoughts won’t influence many. Maybe you, the reader, are the only one who would know them.) Unlike me, some people have power- like media or leaders of various organizations- who claim to know everything. I don't doubt their skills or wisdom. They go through umpteen sources before concluding. I'm more worried that history has many versions. Which to believe and which to discard is chosen to suit one's convenience. Many a time the c...