14th March was the day when I discovered that 2 most significant scientific personalities Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein were connected to one another and not just by science. Dr. H was born on the same day as Einstein died. And undoubtedly they had many things in common. An idea struck me like lightening. What if I was also related to someone like this. With the services of Mr. Google I found out that I was born on the same day as Jinnah died. Yes, that same Jinnah who wanted a Pakistan. And yeah that's the same day the unfortunate twin towers terror attack took place. The very next moment I found myself trying to shove the stupid stigma stricken thoughts out of my dumb head. I just wanted someone else to relate to. Why? I don't know. And I don't want to answer even if I know because of the horrors of what could come next. (But if you still want to know, here is my answer- I HATE politics.) Well, I searched and searched and finally got another popular nam...